HMS Warrior to host a number of fundraisers to apply for the Heritage Lottery Fund

Situated in the heart of Portsmouth’s Historic Dockyard, HMS Warrior 1860 commands a prime position in the harbour. The ship is one of the most unusual attractions on the South coast and visited by in excess of 350,000 people a year.

However she is not getting any younger; 2015 marks an incredibly important year for Warrior with the hopefully successful outcome of a Heritage Lottery Fund application due in March. We are seeking £2.6 Million for upper deck bulwark repairs and ship preservation however in order to qualify for this we will need to raise over £1 million ourselves and so our public fundraising campaign commences.

Warrior Preservation Trust is a self-funded charity that is not supported by any government grants or funding. Warrior relies solely on daily visitors, donations, private hire, weddings, and fundraising events. Heritage Lottery Funding affords the ability to undertake large scale projects that may otherwise be cost inhibitive. The importance cannot be underestimated of ensuring that HMS Warrior is preserved as a piece of working history for a further 150 years.

To assist with this throughout the year we host a series of public events, the first of which we are delighted to announce is our 2015 Programme of Fundraising Dining events. By booking individual tickets or tables of up to ten you and your guests are certain to enjoy an amazing experience of an evening afloat whilst directly helping to fund and preserve the ship for the benefit of this and future generations.

Further 2015 events are still to be added including daytime enrichment activities, theatre productions and concerts so watch this space.

Current fundraising events for 2015